Militants control the weather
The settlement of the Pacific remains a mystery to this day. The vastness of the Pacific as well as the lack of concern by historians has made tracing the origin of the Polynesians, at best, difficult. While anthropologists agree that there are at least three races in the Pacific region, they have not agreed on where they came from or when the Pacific was settled.Evidence now suggests that man may have ventured out into the Pacific over 30,000 years ago. New discoveries in partially submerged caves in New Ireland, a long narrow island east of New Guinea, are proving that man reached these islands tens of thousands of years ago.Plato's Atlantis is fully tropical, with many forests, rivers and canals full of fragrant fruits, perfumes and luxuriant vegetation.The goal of finding Atlantis is not just finding some old buildings - there are plenty of those, most of them still undisturbed deep underground. The real desire is to possess their legendary technology, which is more of a general vision for most people than any actual specific object, even though they don't know what that might be. Among the accomplishments of the Atlanteans, for example, was "perfect" weather control. Now the average immediate notion is of abundant fields of waving grain in endless summer alongside the most beautiful of beaches. They had that, and it bored them; too utilitarian to them, like we might look at a vineyard. They left such backlands to the serving creatures. The Atlanteans had come into the physical world essentially for the stimulation. They loved storms. Whole areas of their land were given over, like national parks, to violent displays of atmospheric turbulence. Their servants, of course, were less fond of these events, which could in the equivalent of "artisitic license" spill over and kill them, destroy their homes, etc. If the Atlanteans 1) noticed, and 2) cared, they could restore all this damage at will. The real core of Atlantean technology that can still be dug up around the earth was far beyond something as simple as weather control. What has attracted the military like carrion is the "threshold" technology. Some hint of this just floated up in the movie Stargate, except that the Atlantean version could be called "Probability Gate." It's a solid-state device (with no selectable "dial" like the stargate in the movie, for instance) that uses what we think of as time/space as an energy source. The threshold is a lens into probable existence streams, or continua.
The Ancient Pacific Lost
In his book The Fragile South Pacific, Andrew Mitchell says, “Until recently archaeologists who worked in the Bismarcks and the Solomons were unable to find any evidence of occupation by man older than 4,500 years. This seems odd, for man appears to have been in mainland New Guinea for at least 40,000 years; indeed, some believe that agriculture originated in the highlands of New Guinea so old are the cultures that have been discovered there. What took man so long to reach these nearest major islands? In 1985, Jim Allen and Chris Gosden from La Trobe University in Melbourne, excavated Matenkupkum cave in New Ireland and found human artifacts 33,000 years old deep in the earth deposits. These finds are set to revolutionize theories about the movement of man into the Pacific.”According to Maori tradition, the first Maori to come to New Zealand was the warrior Kupe, a powerful man and a legendary navigator of Pacific. Kupe was fishing near his island home Hawai'iki, when a great storm arose and blew him far down to the south, where he sighted Aotearoa, "the land of the long white cloud." The legend says that Kupe eventually made the return voyage to his homeland, and told them of his discovery. Many researchers believe that this happened as late as 950 A.D. but other theories place it much longer ago than that.It is generally accepted that Maoris are Polynesians. But the location of Hawai'iki is open to considerable interpretation. Most anthropologists who write about the Maori do not believe that Hawai'iki is the same as modern-day Hawaii. Rather, accepted belief usually places Hawai'iki at either Tahiti or in the Marquesas Islands east of Tahiti.Carbon dating in New Zealand places settlements there at least about the ninth century A.D. In addition, according to tradition, New Zealand was already inhabited by another race of people before the Maoris. a group of people called the Moriori. The Moriori were driven out of New Zealand and lived only on the remote Chatham Islands, which are more than 500 miles to the east of New Zealand.Early observers to New Zealand considered the Maoris and Morioris to be different ethnic groups, though today prevailing theory is that they were part of different waves of "Polynesian" migration, the Morioris being part of the earliest migratory waves. Today, with the discovery of the Kaimanawa Wall in the Taupo district of the North Island, there are indications of even earlier settlers in New Zealand than the Morioris.Since archaeologists admit that nearby islands to New Zealand such as Tonga, Fiji and New Caledonia were colonized at least 3000 years ago, it seems that these same navigators would have reached New Zealand as well. The history of New Zealand, and many Pacific islands, would seem to need some radical revision. EARLY THEORIES ON THE POLYNESIANS The origin of the Polynesians perplexed early explorers in the Pacific from the very start. The Dutch Navigator Jacob Roggeveen said that the Polynesians were descended from Adam though "human understanding was powerless to comprehend by what means they could have been transported to the Pacific." Such doubts also afflicted James Cook and his men.Prior to the publication of Darwin's The Origin of the Species, it was generally believed (by Europeans anyway) that the races of man were descended from the sons of Noah, Shem, Japheth and Ham. Darker races were considered the sons of Ham, while lighter races, such as American Indians and Polynesians, were considered the sons of Shem.Early on, a Malaysian origin for the Polynesians was speculated. The second edition of pioneer anthropologist J.F. Blumenback's book Natural Varieties of Mankind (1781) added a fifth race to his originally speculated four of Caucasian, Asiatic, American and Ethiopian. This fifth race was Malaysian, which included the Polynesians.With the arrival of missionaries in the Pacific came other theories, such as that the Maoris "had sprung from some dispersed Jews," thereby making them one of the lost tribes of Israel. We now have the notion that Maoris, and Polynesians in general, are Semites. The Book of Mormon also follows this theory, stating that the Polynesians were descended from American Indian Semites who first landed in Hawaii in 58 B.C. after voyaging in Mexico and South America. Thor Heyerdahl has sought to provide some evidence of this hypothesis in a number of his expeditions. Heyerdahl is not a Mormon, but does believe that there was contact between Polynesia and the Americas. Heyerdahl has stated that voyagers in the Pacific came from both the shores of Asia and the Americas. Many critics of Heyerdahl have believed that he advocates the American contact theory exclusively, which is wrong.Archaeologists admit that there is evidence that the Polynesians were in contact with North and South America, especially such islands or groups as the Marquesas, Rapa Nui and Hawaii. The sweet potato plant, or yam, is originally from South America and was known to have been cultivated on many Pacific islands before European discovery. The South American sweet potato was cultivated in ancient New Zealand and the Maoris called it Kumara.However, contact with the Americas does not necessarily mean that the Polynesians originated there and the prevailing theory of the late 1800s and early l900s was that the Polynesians were actually an Indo-European group who came to the Pacific via India. Linguistic evidence was usually cited, such as the detection of Sanskrit words in Polynesian vocabularies. In the days when racism was a common fact of life, one reason for such a theory was partly political: to prove that a fellowship existed between Maoris and Europeans. The main contributor to this theory was a book entitled The Aryan Maori, by Edward Tregear, published in 1885.A more important scholar who supported Aryan Maoris was John Macmillan Brown who had studied at Glasgow and Oxford before taking up the Chair of English, History, and Political Economy at Canterbury University College in 1874. Brown retired from his chair in 1895 and spent much of the remaining forty years of his life traveling the Pacific in pursuit of his intellectual hobbies, including the origin of the Maori. Brown settled in New Zealand and published his first book Maori and Polynesian in 1907.A leading philologist of his day, Brown stressed that the “true classification of linguistic affinities is not by their grammar, but by the phonology.” Unlike earlier philologists, Brown admitted that the phonology of the Polynesian dialects differs by a whole world from that of all the languages to the west of it-that is, the language of Melanesia, Indonesia, and Malaysia. How then did the Aryan forbears of the Polynesians come into the Pacific?Brown believed that they had come by several routes from the Asian mainland. Some had come through South East Asia, having been driven on by a Mongol influx; others had come in a northern arc through Micronesia. This northern migration had passed over the Bering Strait into the Americas before doubling back to colonize eastern Pacific islands like Easter Island. The Polynesian language that eventually emerged was a combination of several primitive Aryan tongues. In Maori and Polynesian, Brown suggested that the amalgam was formed in Indonesia, but later he shifted his ground. In his 1920 thesis, The Languages of the Pacific, Brown argued that “the linguistic attitude” of the Polynesians faced “north towards Japanese and Ainu.” What had induced Brown to change his mind was the discovery of Tocharish, a “primeval” Aryan language, as Brown called it, in a manuscript found at Dunhuang in the Gobi Desert in 1911. This famous cache of ancient texts, some written in unknown languages that have never been deciphered, was to provide a gold mine for those scholars who took interest in them.Said Brown: “The main features of the Polynesian tongue... go back to the old stone age in Europe.... We must conclude that the Aryan language started on its career from twenty to twenty-five thousand years ago, and that philological students of Latin and Greek and the modern European languages must study Polynesian in order to see the type from which these sprung.” Brown went on become Chancellor of the University of New Zealand, and enthusiastically championed unorthodox theories on the origin of the Polynesians, even to the point of advocating a lost continent in the Pacific which a few years later was called "Mu" by Colonel James Churchward. Brown found Greek, Celtic, and especially Scandinavian models for Polynesian gods.Brown had traveled widely throughout the Pacific, something most anthropologists and historians had not done, and was awed by the many megalithic remains he had seen. He believed that he could trace the footsteps of the Aryans into and through the Pacific from their megaliths. Brown claimed that the megalithic remains at Coworker and Atiamuri in New Zealand were evidence of Aryan occupation.Brown's magnum opus on the Pacific startled many people. His final book, The Riddle of the Pacific, published in 1924, claimed that there was once a continent in the Pacific that was now mostly submerged. Aryans from America had founded this continent, of which most Pacific islands were the last remnants. Here was the Chancellor of the University of New Zealand advocating a sunken civilization in the Pacific and not without reason. Brown may have first become convinced of a lost Pacific continent when he was introduced to the ancient texts at Dunhuang. One of the ancient papers allegedly contained a fragment of a map that shows a now-sunken continent. Brown had also been to Easter Island where the local tradition has it that natives are from a sunken land called Hiva. He was convinced that an advanced culture once existed throughout the Pacific and that sudden cataclysms had submerged most of the land causing a collapse of the civilization.Despite the fact that geologists of his time discounted any rapid geological change in the Pacific, it is a fact that the flat-topped guyots throughout the Pacific must have been formed above the water. These wind-blown mesas, similar to those in the American southwest, need thousands of years of blowing sand to flatten their tops. Similarly, large atoll archipelagos such as the Tuamotus, Kiribati or the Ha'apai group of Tonga would become mini-continents if the ocean levels were dropped only a few hundred feet. Today, geology remains divided as to slow geological change and sudden geological catastrophes that occasionally take place. Most geologists now favor both theories and admit that occasional catastrophes do take place, just how often is the usual question. EGYPTIANS IN THE PACIFIC The late Professor Barry Fell, a former Harvard Professor and native New Zealander popularized the theory that the Egyptians settled the Pacific in second millennium BC. He is well known for advocating Egyptian, Libyan, Celtic and Phoenician ancestry for American Indians, and applies his epigraphic (the study of ancient writing) research to Polynesians.Fell believed that the Polynesians were descended from Libyans in the service of Egypt, working as sailors to Egyptian gold mines in Sumatra, and even Australia and elsewhere. He also believes that many Melanesians are the descendants of Negro slaves used as workers in the gold mines. Fell even goes on to call the dialect used by the Zuni Indians of the American south-west as Mauri script and maintains that the Maoris may be related to the Zuni Indians and their "Mauri" language.Phoenician and Libyan rock inscriptions have been discovered in Indonesia. A letter in the January 21, 1875 issue of Nature spoke of Phoenician script in Sumatra. Writes the author. J. Park Harrison: “In a short communication to the Anthropological Institute in December last (Nature, Vol. XI. p. 199), Phoenician characters were stated by me to be still in use in South Sumatra. As many of your readers may be glad to have more information of the subject, I write to say that the district above alluded to includes Rejang, Lemba, and Passamah, between the second and fifth parallels of south latitude.” One clear link between Australia and Egypt is that the Torres Straits Islanders, between New Guinea and Northern Queensland, use the curious practice of mummification of the dead. The Macleay Museum at Sydney University has a mummified corpse of a Darnley Islander (Torres Strait), prepared in a fashion that has been compared to that practiced in Egypt between 1090 and 945 B.C.It was reported in Australian newspapers circa 1990 that a team of Marine archaeologists from the Queensland Museum had discovered extensive cave drawings on many of the Torres Straits Islands. Some of the cave drawings, on isolated Booby Island, were of a Macassan prau which is a unique vessel with telltale double rudders and triangular sails used by beche de mer (sea cucumber) fishermen out of the Indonesian island of Sulewesi. The archaeologists declared the Torres Islands the "crossroads of civilizations" and were quoted as saying "Now it's a new ball game in an archaeological sense."In 1875 the Shevert Expedition found similarities in Darnley Island boats and ancient trans-Nile boats. Island boats were used to row corpses to sea and leave on a coral reef. Egyptian practice was to ferry corpses across or down the Nile for desert burial.Similarly, it was pointed out by the Kenneth Gordon McIntyre in his book The Secret Discovery of Australia (Picador, 1977) that the island of Mir in the Torres Strait was similar to the Egyptian word for pyramid, "mir" and even that the name for Egypt is “Misr.” Another similarity with the Torres Strait Islanders, as well as in the Solomon Islands, Fiji and Polynesia, a wooden headrest was used. This carved headrest was used to slightly elevate the head, while the subject slept on his back. It is unusual to ancient Egypt and certain Pacific Islands around New Guinea that these headrests are used.Curiously, on the island of Pohnpei (formerly called Ponape), the new capital of the Federated States of Micronesia, an ancient Egyptian word is important in the government. Pohnpei island is divided into five districts and the governor of a district is called a Nan marche in the language of Pohnpei. Similarly, in ancient Egypt, a district was known as a nome, and a district governor was known as a nome-marche. Here is the exact same word meaning the exact same thing in ancient Egyptian and modern Pohnpei dialect.Excerpted and edited from Ancient Tonga & the Lost City of Mu'a by David Hatcher Childress (Adventure Unlimited Press).
Energy Grids = Civilization
The whole Atlantean civilization was absolutely dependant for much of what it could do on the energy grid. Indeed, the grid itself might almost be called Atlantis; it was such an integral part of the whole Atlantean development and capability - both spiritual, and scientific. It would not be far fetched to say that Atlantis was both the Atlantean civilization, and the great and vibrant energy grid on which it was based. Although Atlantis did, indeed, have a central city with large surrounding territories, parts of its civilization, attached to and fully utilizing the grid energies, were to be found as colonies, tapped into the energy grid all over the planet, perhaps explaining why, to this day, we are arguing about where it really was. There were many Atlantean colonies around the planet, so that, to a considerable degree, all the locational claims of the modern world may well be true.The grid was a whole system of inter-locking energy structures, that between them brought the twelve great rays - the energy building blocks of the Universe - onto the physical planet. These rays provide all that is needed to sustain a most abundant, long life for all physical life forms. Ultimately though, the downfall of Atlantis was, in large part, to do with misuse of the great energy grid which was its key support tool, and kept Atlantis at a constant, high vibratory level. The grid energy was diverted to form very powerful weapons of war, which could - through the use of massive crystals as accumulators - deliver a blast of energy with an effect not unlike a modern nuclear weapon. Most of our deserts today are the result of use of this weapon in action taken against various groups around the planet. The deployment of this weapon caused many of the Earth's tectonic plates to be damaged, and progressively ruptured, which was to give rise to huge volcanic activity around the planet, and eventually, with other factors, cause the main plate on which Atlantis stood, to sink. During the existence of Atlantis, while there was a fully energized grid, the crossover points of the major lines of the grid gave rise to huge energy vortices. The humans of Atlantis, in particular, were told never to spend time in or near these points, as they would quickly become energetically overcharged, which could, in extremes, be fatal. The vortices were so powerful that, at times, the energy could clearly be seen like a minor Aurora Borealis, with moving 'fingers' of energy, many tens of feet high, pointing upwards from the vortex. It was this that looked like the mouth of a dragon, and gave rise to the leylines being referred to as 'dragon lines' in many parts of the world, even today.Once the decision was made, that the grid could be de-commissioned, it was necessary for these vortices to be switched off. The small, highly spiritual group of loyal Atlanteans - who always opposed the science of the war machine that had led to the diverting of the grid energy - was asked to assist with this Herculean task. They were asked to walk into the main vortex points, at great personal danger, and to use their spiritual skills to switch off the vortex. Small teams drawn from this group were sent all over the planet, so that all the vortices could be disabled in this way.It were these acts that gave rise to fabulous mythological stories like Saint George and the Dragon - he was, in fact, one of these Atlanteans who remained true to their ideals and their great spirituality, and accepted this task. It is no coincidence that there are 'Dragon Slaying' stories in the mythologies of many cultures, all over the planet - they are a distant record, a folk memory, of what really happened.Atlantis was a continent where, according to Plato, an advanced civilization developed some 11,600 years ago. Plato affirms that, as the result of a huge volcanic cataclysm of worldwide extent, this continent sank, disappearing forever. Official science rejects the actual existence of Atlantis as it has been unable to find any traces of its reality. But the reason is, everybody has been looking in the wrong locations as Atlantis lies in the opposite side of the world.Lemuria, on the other hand, is an older predecessor of Atlantis. It is the same as the Garden of Eden or Paradise - the actual birthplace of mankind and civilization. From there, civilization spread to Atlantis and other parts of the world some 20-30 thousand years ago, during the Ice Age.Extensive sounding of the entire Atlantic Basin for over a century reveals no sunken continent or remains of one anywhere in the Atlantic Basin. The fact is Europe and Africa were originally coterminous with North and South America in forming a super-continent called Pangea ("Whole Earth"). Due to the Continental Drift, these land masses began to separate some 200 millions ago, forming the Atlantic Ocean. At the center was the super-continent of Pangea cleft. A fissure known as the Great Rift remained as a sort of scar separating the two tectonic plates and marking their original position.From this fissure, volcanic magma continuously issues, forming a huge mountain range and causing the tectonic plates to separate at a rate of about 2.5 cm/year. It is this mountain range - called the Mid-Oceanic Ridge - that is often mistaken for the remains of Atlantis. Moreover, the islands of the Atlantic Ocean are all small, rising directly from the abyssal depths, leaving no room for any sunken continent or island of large size.
Atlantean blood surrounds us
By studying the migratory patterns of ancient peoples, their cultures and civilizations, it is obvious that man has evolved. Without a doubt, man has passed along his raison d’etre from generation to generation, not to mention explanations of decisions made by ancestors from eons past. As hunters and gatherers learned how to survive, they also learned how to plan. They learned from the lessons of their own history and from mistakes made on a daily basis. Certainly among each generation were individual explorers and artists, as well as toolmakers and leaders. These individuals, convinced of their righteousness, slowly proved each new hypothesis by trial and error – with nothing really to lose except time. But time is what they had plenty of. Then they began to bump into each other.The book Two Thirds asserts how the Alteans (who appear to have been a Dinoid race) traveled across two galaxies to settle on Mars, where they spent two hundred thousand years developing the new DNA from which the human being - the third great DNA experiment on Earth - was to be created. Then, in just two generations they genetically engineered the native anthropoids to create the first true humans. They went on to observe, manage and lead the new human race through hundreds of thousands of years as it started its long developmental period millions of years ago.Notwithstanding the prospect of direct alien intervention, oral histories around the world recall our planet being shaped very slowly and man having little impact until recently. After the time between 3 million years ago when our ancestors crossed Africa to later emerge in the Far Orient 1,000,000 years ago, researchers suggest – other than travel – not much happened until modern man arrived about 140,000 years ago. It is in this subsequent time that man settled down and begun to enjoy the fruits of the earth, except both species of Cro-Magnon or Neanderthal. It was also in this time, The Pleistocene, also called the Anthropozoic Era or Quaternary Era, we find the Ice Age had funnelled man towards the warm and fertile equatorial regions of the earth.Known as Mu or Lemuria, the first true civilization arose 78,000 years ago across a giant continent and lasted an astonishing 52,000 years. It was destroyed in earthquakes generated by a pole shift that occurred some 26,000 years ago. As predicted by the Mayans, and timed by their famed Calendar, the astronomical 26,000-year cycle signals an impending natural destruction of the earth again in 2012 and may indeed be the message that the ancients have tried to pass down ever since. While Lemuria did not reach the technological heights, supposedly, as other later civilizations, it is, nevertheless, said to have attained some advanced technology, particularly in the building of long-lasting megalithic buildings that were able to withstand impending earthquakes. However, it was the science of government that is said to have been Mu's greatest achievement. Education was the keynote of the empire's success, and because every citizen was versed in the laws of the universe and was given thorough training in a profession or trade, magnificent prosperity resulted. A child's education was compulsory to the age of 21 in order for him to be eligible to attend citizenship school. This training period lasted for seven years; so, the earliest age at which a person could become a citizen of the empire was 28. Supposedly, there was one language and one government.While the continent of Mu was lost over 26,000 years ago during a pole shift, a racial mixture from all civilizations later repopulated the Pacific, coming from Rama, China, Africa and the Americas. An advanced island nation, with much larger land areas to cultivate than are currently in the Pacific, grew up around Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia. Ancient legends in Polynesia attribute this remarkable civilization to the Aroi Kingdom that existed many thousands of years before the later western European “discovery” of the Pacific islands. The Aroi built many of the megalithic pyramids, platforms, arches, roads and statues throughout the central Pacific. When some of the more than 400 gravel hills on New Caledonia were excavated in the 1960s, cement columns of lime and shell matter were carbon dated by Yale and the New Caledonia Museum as having been made before 5120 BC and 10,950 BC. These columns can be found in the southern part of New Caledonia and on the Isle of Pines. After Mu disappeared under water, due to the world’s ocean lowering drastically as water rushed into the newly formed Pacific Basin, the receding ocean left behind relatively small islands, which had existed during the time of their civilization, high and dry. The newly emerged land joined the Poseid Archipelago to form a small continent. Historians call this lost continent Atlantis today, though its real name was Poseid. Poseidans took technology to very advanced stages. Air conditioners and airless cylinder lamps, tubes of illuminating crystal, rifles employing electricity as a propulsive force, monorail transportation; water generators, an instrument for condensing water from the atmosphere, and an aerial ship governed by forces of levitation and repulsion are inventions and devices mentioned in A Dweller On Two Planets, Frederick Spencer Oliver’s 1884 book, as dictated by Phylos the Tibetan. Unlike those of China, Egypt, Central America and Peru, the ancient books of India's Rama Empire have been fortunately preserved. Many of these ancient nations are now either desert wastelands, swallowed by thick jungle or literally at the bottom of an ocean. Yet, despite devastation by wars and invasion, India managed to maintain a large part of its extensive history. In the past century, the extremely sophisticated cities of Mohenjondaro (Mound of the Dead) and Harappa have been discovered in the Indus Valley of modern-day Pakistan. The discoveries of these cities forced archaeologists to push the dates for the origin of Indian civilization back thousands of years. Their cities were highly developed and leading archaeologists believe they were conceived as a whole before they were built, a remarkable early example of city planning. Even more remarkable is that the plumbing-sewage system throughout the large city is superior to that found in Pakistan, India, and most Asian countries today. At the time of Atlantis and Rama, the Mediterranean was an expansive and fertile valley. Emigrating and bringing knowledge from the East, the Osirians, an ancient colonizing civilization pre-dating dynastic Egypt, was known there. This explains the strange megalithic remains found throughout the Mediterranean, including the Sphinx. The Nile River came out of Africa as it does today, and was called the River Stix. However, instead of flowing into the Mediterranean Sea at the Nile Delta in northern Egypt, it continued into the valley, and then turned westward to flow in the deepest part of the Mediterranean Valley. It was here the river had created a large lake before flowing out between Malta and Sicily, south of Sardinia and into the Atlantic at Gibraltar (the Pillars of Hercules). When Atlantis was destroyed in a final tragic global upheaval, this catastrophic change in the water levels flooded the Mediterranean Basin, destroying the Osirian's great cities and forcing them to move to higher ground. It is an archaeological fact that there are more than 200 known sunken cities in the Mediterranean. Egyptian civilization, along with the Minoan and Mycenaean in Crete and Greece are remnants of this great culture. These civilizations long ago built huge earthquake-proof megalithic structures and had electricity and other conveniences common during the time of Atlantis. Like Atlantis and Rama, they had airships and other modes of transport, often electrical in nature. The mysterious cart tracks of Malta, which go over cliffs and under water, may well be part of some ancient Osirian tramline, possibly taking quarried stone to now submerged cities. Probably the best example of the high technology of the Osirians is the amazing platform found at Ba'albek, Lebanon. The main platform is composed of the largest hewn rocks in the world, the famous ashlars of Ba'albek. Some of the individual stones are 82 feet long and 15 feet thick and are estimated to weigh between 1,200 and 1,500 tons each.Many ancient cities are said to have existed at the time of Atlantis and Rama during the rise of Uiger civilization in the Gobi Desert. Though the Gobi is now a parched land-locked desert, these cities were once ocean ports. Vimanas and other advanced devices are said to have been in use in the Uiger area, and the famous Russian explorer Nicholas Roerich reported seeing a flying disc over northern Tibet in the 1930s. Perhaps the craft was an ancient vimana coming from a still active city using Uiger technology that exists in Northern Tibet or the Gobi Desert. Significantly, it is claimed that the Elders of Lemuria, known as the Thirteenth School, moved their headquarters prior to the cataclysm to the uninhabited plateau of Central Asia that we now call Tibet. Here they supposedly established a library and school known as The Great White Brotherhood. The great Chinese Philosopher Lao Tzu, born in 604 B.C., talked frequently of Ancient Masters and their profound wisdom. He wrote the famous book, Tao Te Ching, probably the most popular book ever written in Chinese. When he finally left China, near the close of his very long life, he journeyed to the west to the legendary land of Hsi Wang Mu. According to the Chinese, this was the headquarters of the Ancient Ones, perhaps the Great White Brotherhood and the Thirteenth School of Mu. Ancient China, known as Han China, is said to have come, like all civilizations, from the huge Pacific continent Mu. The ancient Chinese are known for the sky-chariots, geomancy, and the jade manufacture that they shared with the Mayas. Indeed, the ancient histories of the Chinese and the Mayas seem indelibly linked. Anthropologists make a good case for a Taoist influence coming to Central America by showing Shang dynasty symbols and motifs (the yin-yang is the most famous, but there are many more) and then relating them to known Mayan art and sculpture. Jade was of particular importance to the Shang Chinese. So far, the source of Chinese jade has not been pinpointed. Much of it may have come from Central America. Even the source of Central American jade is a mystery; many ancient jade mines are still undiscovered. Chinese voyages to Mexico, between 500-300 BC, may have been related to Taoist trade in magic mushrooms or drugs of longevity. The ancient Chinese are often said to be the originators of every invention from toilet paper, earthquake detectors, paper money, cannons, rocket technology, printing methods, and thousands of other clever and high-tech items. In 1959, archaeologists in China discovered belt buckles made thousands of years ago out of aluminium. Aluminium is generally processed from bauxite with electricity! As in Mu and Atlantis, construction in South America was on megalithic scale with polygonal construction techniques designed to make the massive walls earthquake-proof. Homes and communal buildings were built out of megalithic blocks of stone. Because of the high regard the culture had for the well being of future generations and the value they placed upon the gradual, sustained growth of the community, structures were built to last for thousands of years. Witness the megalithic construction of Egypt, Malta and Peru. These buildings are still standing today. For instance, only a few hundred miles to the south of Cuzco, the ancient capital of Peru, lie the fantastic ruins of Puma Punku, high in the Altiplano of Bolivia. The ruins of Puma Punku, about one mile from the famous ruins of Tiahuanaco, are massive megalithic constructions that are tossed about like toy building blocks. What kind of cataclysmic upheaval could have done such a thing? Here is the kind of megalithic construction meant to last for thousands of years, yet, 100-ton blocks have been torn asunder and tossed about by mighty geological forces. It would appear that the South American continent was suddenly and violently thrust upward during an earth-shattering cataclysm, most likely a pole shift. A former sea-level canal can now be seen at 13,000 feet in the Andes Mountains. The many ocean fossils found near Lake Titicaca augment the evidence for this scenario. The lake is even inhabited by the only known freshwater sea horses. Mayan pyramids are found in Central America and as far away as the Indonesian island of Java. The pyramid of Sukuh, on the slopes of Mount Lawu near Surakarta in central Java, is an amazing temple with stone stelae and a step pyramid that would match any in the jungles of Central America. The pyramid is in fact virtually identical to the pyramids found at the ancient Mayan site at Uaxactun, near Tikal. The ancient Mayans were brilliant astronomers and mathematicians whose early cities lived in agrarian harmony with earth. They also built canals and hydroponic garden cities throughout the Yucatan Peninsula. Some of the Mayan glyphs were allegedly radionic-type insect control devices that broadcast an etheric vibration of the targeted pest. It is believed that a supportive Hall of Records resides somewhere in the Mayan region, probably beneath an existing pyramid complex, in an underground tunnel and chamber system. Sources explain this repository of ancient knowledge is kept in quartz crystals that are of exceptional quality and capable of holding large amounts of information in a manner similar to a modern CD. From such ancient texts as the Bible and the Ethiopian book Kebra Negast, we have tales of the high technology of ancient Ethiopia and Israel. The temple at Jerusalem was founded upon three gigantic ashlar blocks of stone similar to those at Ba'albek, Lebanon. Today, the revered Temple of Solomon and Muslim Dome of the Rock mosque exist on this site, whose foundations apparently reach back to the Osirian civilization. Like much of the later Phoenician construction, the building at the Temple to hold the Ark of the Covenant and the temples in Ethiopia are the last of the megalithic stone constructions. The massive Temple Mount, built by King Solomon on the ruins of an earlier megalithic temple, was made to house the ancient relic known as the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of the Covenant is an elaborately carved and ornate box that housed several sacred objects, including a solid gold statue from earlier cultures that is called the Holy of Holies. Moses removed this box and gold statue from the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid in Egypt during the period of the Exodus. Many scholars believe that the Ark of the Covenant and other ancient artefacts were actually electrical devices, some of which were worshipped in temples as oracles. The Bible recounts how certain unauthorized persons touching the Ark would be electrocuted. Around 21,000 years ago, due to waters freezing in such mass quantities, the ocean’s water levels dropped 100 meters providing land bridges for adventurous and hungry northerners to access new lands, possibly following the herds of woolly mammoths. Between 15 and 7,000 BC, when ice quickly melted and water levels rose, the Ice Age ended rather suddenly. In the beginning and eventually nullifying 70% of living species, volcanoes erupted suddenly and their soot had landed atop ice floes, helping to hasten the melting process by retaining the heat from the sun. Having survived volcanic destruction lasting millennia (albeit creating mineral-rich soil) and vast ice sheets kilometers thick covering continents for over a hundred thousand years, man had in the meantime – not surprisingly – successfully inhabited idyllic paradises and actually created civilization. Unfortunately, their cosmopolitan pre-historic cities were built not only adjacent to titanic volcanoes but also upon seaside plains. When their protective mountains finally erupted, huge tsunamis 300 feet tall washed away 20,000,000 people. This catastrophe, including ensuing earthquakes and years of darkness, saw water levels rise to cover entire landscapes including colonized free-trade zones in coastal areas around the world. The natural dam at the Straits of Gibraltar collapsed under the strain and waters flooded in dramatically to fill the Mediterranean valley.Early civilizers, like Lumurians and Poseidans, visited their successors one by one. The original cultures of India were impacted long before new knowledge eventually developed the Sumerians. Sumer, located in present-day Iraq and whose origins are still unknown, is the most ancient civilization studied by archaeology today.In 1899-1900, a team of American archaeologists unearthed 35,000 tablets from the holy Sumerian city of Nippur. These ancient records told of a time before the Flood when the sky-god conspired with the flood-god to destroy humanity. The earth-god sided with the King by warning him that a Flood was coming. Prior to the disaster, the King and his family had lived a life of great ease on Dilmun, a lost island that lay across the ocean, which had cities and fabulous mountains. By the time a volcanic eruption destroys Thera in 1500 BC and helps brings an end to the Minoan civilization, man worshipped the bull. In Malta alone, civilization was found to have prospered there since Neolithic times, several thousands of years earlier. The first specific mention of Atlantis in modern times occurs in two of Plato's Dialogues: Timaeus and Critias, written somewhere between 370 and 350 BC. According to Plato, the story of Atlantis came to him from certain 200-year-old records of the Greek ruler Solon, who, in turn, heard of Atlantis from an Egyptian priest. In his Dialogues, Plato also mentions that the island-continent of Atlantis lay in the Atlantic Ocean near the Straits of Gibraltar until its destruction 10,000 years before his time. Solon is said to have swapped stories not only with the king, but with the great fable-writer Aesop. Then, in 1968, The Bimini Wall was discovered.For information on pre-classical migrating civilizations, it was to Anatolia (Turkey) that many other clues began to lead, beginning with Atlas, the famous Titan of Greek myth who was condemned to the edge of the world to support the skies when his race was defeated by Zeus and the Olympians. Atlas, Plato tells us, was the first king - and eponym - of Atlantis. Analysis of the myths surrounding Atlas and his family suggests that the Greeks believed that his 'home', before he was banished to the west (i.e. the 'Atlantic'), lay to the east and that the Greeks may have learnt the idea of the sky-supporting giant from that quarter. This is confirmed by a mass of pictorial and literary evidence from the Hittite civilization of Bronze Age Anatolia, which provides exact parallels to the classical Greek concept of Atlas. It was a short step from there to see what the classical traditions of Anatolia - and in particular, Lydia - had to say about the 'original' Atlas. Classical scholars have long accepted that another mythological figure, Tantalus, is essentially a Lydian version of Atlas. Tantalus, too, crossed the Olympians, and was condemned to an eternal torment, which gave us the word 'tantalize'. In the version given by Homer, his punishment was everlasting hunger and thirst, but the more common tale was of a rock that perpetually swayed over his head. Other versions say he was attached to the rock, that he was condemned to support it and that the 'rock' was the sky itself. And Tantalus, like Atlas, is once thought to have ruled an earthly kingdom. When Tantalus was struck by Zeus' lightning for his sins, the city he founded was shattered by an earthquake and drowned beneath a lake. The name of his city was Tantalis. Plato's putative source, Solon, could have picked up in Lydia the story of Tantalis which had all the key elements for its later exaggeration into Atlantis - from its fabulous wealth and transient empire to its catastrophic transformation into a 'sunken kingdom'. As Tantalus was identified with Atlas, the scene could have been mistakenly transferred to the far west, the location of Atlas after his downfall. Once in the Atlantic, the story of the 'sunken kingdom' could grow uncontrollably during its retelling through the generations from Solon to Plato. Clues from classical writers such as Pausanias made it clear that Tantalus' lost city was believed to lie near Mount Sipylus, modern Manisa Dagh, twenty or so miles inland from the modern port of Izmir (Smyrna) on the Aegean coast. Classical writers describe Tantalis not only as the original capital of Lydia, but as the ancestral seat of the Mycenaean kings. Substance was given to this by a lengthy text from the archives of the Hittite Emperors, composed about 1400 BC, describing the troubles they had with a vassal ruler from a western vassal in league with the Mycenaeans. His seat, 'the mountain land of Zippasla', can be reasonably located in Lydia, and identified with Sipylus. Slice by slice, the ruler of Zippasla (Madduwattas by name) swallowed up all the smaller states of western and southern Anatolia and even challenged Hittite authority in Cyprus. How far the men from Zippasla got is hard to say - but Hittite authority was only properly re-established in Anatolia some fifty years later. If the kingdom of Zippasla lay at Sipylus, where was its capital? Here history, archaeology and legend seem to converge neatly. Until about thirty years ago there was a small lake just to the north of Mt Sipylus and a few miles away from a magnificent (and almost undatable) rock-cut tomb that Pausanias described as 'the by-no-means inglorious grave' of King Tantalus. A hundred and fifty years ago the lake was much bigger, and 19th-century scholars, including Sir James Frazer, had already identified it as the spot where the ancients believed the lost city lay submerged underwater. As the location for a real city, it would be hard to improve: it lies on a fertile plain between the ancient caravan route skirting the mountain and the river Gediz, main artery of Lydia. Yet, we are not reliant on merely theoretical considerations. Three hundred feet up the mountainside a thirty-foot sculpture of a Mother Goddess gazes out over the very spot where Tantalis was thought to lay. Pausanias claimed that it was carved by the son of Tantalus and that it dates to the Late Bronze Age is undeniable - from its style and from the Hittite hieroglyphics which were incised into the carving about the 13th century BC. It would be strange to imagine that this unique sculpture was not prepared for the worship of a highly organized community, settled in the plain below. For this, and a host of other reasons, here there was once an important Late Bronze Age centre. Most likely, it was the Zippasla of the Hittite documents and most certainly it was the Sipylus or Tantalis of classical texts. For its fate, we only have the traditions to go on, but the belief that it was totally devastated by an earthquake is not outlandish. The Izmir region, as travelers to Turkey will know, lies in one of the worst earthquake zones of the world, while the appalling damage suffered by the cities of Lydia during the great earthquake of AD 17 is well documented. Millennia earlier, the Kostenki culture existed from 28,000 to 10,000 BP (Before Present) and moved gradually from west to eastern Asia. The Clovis appeared in North America about 12,000 BP – quite possibly these mammoth hunters from the Russian Steppes of Eurasia. Their blades, however, are similar to Upper Paleolithic blades, Old World Aurignacian technology from a much earlier age (38 - 23,000 BP). Human migration patterns exist in Eurasia throughout the Middle Paleolithic period (30 - 30,000 BP) and in Upper Paleolithic when Europeans (Solutrean) reached the New World about 13,500 BP in boats from Spain. Unfortunately, Solutrean terminated 18-16,500 BP - over 5,000 years before the appearance of Clovis in North America. Case in point is the discovery of the oldest known mummy in North America. The mummy, named the Spirit Cave man, was found on the shelves of the Nevada State Museum. Discovered in Nevada in 1940 it was originally thought to be 2,000 years old. Recent radiocarbon dating has pushed its age back 9,400 years.The most intriguing fact is that the mummy was wearing moccasins and shrouds of woven marsh plants. The weave of the shrouds indicates that it was made on a loom. If these findings turn out to be true it would mean that there were people in North America more than 9,000 years ago with the knowledge and technology to weave cloths on looms. Such a level of sophistication again pushes back the dates of evolving man, early civilizations and the so-called primitiveness of ancient people. Still residing in Europe, the Basque language is at least 5,000 years old and has been recently connected with the Na-Dene (Athabascan) in North America, and also shares words with Ket - spoken now by only 500 people living in central Siberia.The Basques, a racial and linguistic island in southwestern France and northern Spain, believe they are descendants of Atlantis, which they call Atlantika. The ancient Celts, as well as the Irish, Welsh and Gauls, believed their ancestors came from a continent that sank into the Western Sea, named Avalon. The Berber tribes of North Africa have a legend of a warlike kingdom off the coast of Africa with rich mines of gold, silver, and tin. This tribe was called Attala. Portuguese believe that Atlantida once existed near Portugal and that parts of it, the Azores Islands, are still pushing up their peaks from under the sea. The Iberian peoples of southern Spain trace their direct kinship to Atlantis and are increasingly aware that Spain still owns what may have been part of the Atlantian Empire, the Canary Islands. The original inhabitants of the island, when discovered, claimed to be the only survivors of a worldwide disaster.In Central America, the Olmecs were a very active civilization in Mexico at least 2,000 years before Columbus arrived. Their descendants, the Maya, are aware of the lunar cycle and the cycle of Venus, and the Precession of the Equinox – the aforementioned 26,000-year cycle that changes 1 degree every 72 years. Such meticulous observation was extraordinary, and confirms the legacy of a much older tradition, a cosmology with origins dating back thousands of years. Meanwhile, in 814 BC, the Phoenicians under Princess Dido founded their new capital at Carthage. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts mention Amenti, the paradise of the west, abode of the dead and part of the divine Sunboat. Interestingly, recent testing, through detailed chemical analyses of several Egyptian mummies, has proven the drug traffic in antiquity was quite widespread. Distribution encompassed the Americas (coca, tobacco), the Indies (hashish and opium) and the Near East (opium and heroine).Throughout the world, hundreds of creation myths survive to remind man of a great flood and many describe the time before the flood and presage a forthcoming global cataclysm. In Europe, Celts did not fear earthquakes or floods but they feared the day when the sky would fall ending the world. Germanic lore speaks of a time in the future when the Sun will turn black, the earth will sink into the sea and the stars will whirl down from the sky. That too will be the end of the world. In Russia, the Mari conceived of the earth as resting on the horns of a bull who in turn stood on the back of a gigantic submerged crab. They feared a time when the bull's horn would break, plunging the earth through the sky until it fell into the ocean. That would be an end-of-the-world event. In North America, the Haida in British Columbia have a myth of a sky supporter who sits in a canoe upon the ocean with a pillar extending to the heavens. If he should lose his grip, the world will end as the sky falls bringing a flood. Okanagan people tell of a time before the Flood when their ancestors lived on "an island far off in the middle of the ocean." This island was called Samah-tumi-whoo-lah. There came a time, however, when the people saw "that their island was about to sink", so they escaped across the ocean to their new land (British Columbia and Washington). The Cherokee of the southern Appalachian Mountains believed the flood was caused by the tears of the Sun. "The earth is a great island floating in a sea of water, and suspended at each of the four cardinal points by a cord hanging down from the sky vault, which is of solid rock. When the world grows old and worn out, the people will die and the cords will break and let the earth sink into the ocean, and all with be water again." Note 'again'. The Utes of Utah also tell of a time when the Sun's tears brought a flood. The Chato of California tell of a time when the sky fell bringing a flood. The A'a'tam (Pima) of Arizona believed in a giant grey spider that spun a great web to keep the sky secure and to prevent the earth from trembling. The Aztecs of Mexico tell of a time before the Flood when their ancestors lived on the island of Aztlan. They describe Aztlan as located beyond the waters, or “surrounded by waters”, and the first stage of the migration was made “by boat." Aztlan was "a bright land of shining light and whiteness which contained seven cities surrounding a sacred mountain."In South America, the Ipurinas of Brazil believed that the flood was caused when the Sun tipped over and released hot water over the earth. Araucanians of Chile feared that an eclipse of the Sun was a warning of a coming flood that would end the world. The Aymara of the central Andes who live on the sacred waters of Lake Titicaca tell of strange events when builders came from the south after the flood. Arthur Posnansky studied the remains of Tiahuanaco for years and came to the conclusion people migrated from the lost island paradise of Aztlan, originally populated the ancient city and built its megalithic constructions.These revered myths tell a common story: Our ancestors came from a great white mountainous island in the middle of the ocean. This island sank at the time of the Flood destroying its cities and forcing evacuation from the island by boat. That - in essence - is Plato's Atlantis legend retold.In 681 AD, the Japanese Emperor Temnu ordered a scribe to compile a written record of the most ancient myths. Writing in 1885 the American scholar and founder of Boston University, Dr. William Fairfield Warren, summarized the 'Genesis' passage of their Record of Ancient Matters (the Ko-Ji-Ki) where a god and goddess are: "...standing on the bridge of heaven, pushed down a spear into the green plain of sea, and stirred it round and round. When they drew it up the drops which fell from its end consolidated onto an island. The sun-born pair descended onto the island, and planting a spear in the ground, point downwards, built a palace round it, taking that for the central roof-pillar. The spear became the axis of the earth, which had been caused to revolve by stirring round." In 1897, Bal Gangadhar Tilak paid a price for his advocacy of passive resistance (something Mahatma Gandhi learned from him) by being imprisoned for opposing the British rule of India. While in prison, Tilak studied ancient Vedic literature. In the Zend-Avesta, Tilak found a passage about the flood that had a new twist. He summarized a key: "Ahura Mazda warns Yima, the first king of men, of the approach of a dire winter, which is to destroy every living creature by covering the land with a thick sheet of ice, and advises Yima to build a Vara, or an enclosure, to preserve the seeds of every king of animal and plant." The conversation was supposed to have taken place on an island paradise, one that is now covered apparently with a thick sheet of ice.Most recently, scientists are exploring the rationale that Atlantis is in Indonesian waters, and that after the cataclysm they later formed the Aryan culture in India. The rising waters at the end of the Ice Age certainly engulfed the continent-sized area of the South China Sea, and disastrous volcanic activity still persists (e.g. Krakatoa) in the area. They therefore argue Atlantis is the true location of Troy, Lanka, the Garden of Eden, Island of Avalon, Garden of the Hesperides, and the Paradise of Creation legends. This theme is also explored in a recent book by Stephen Oppenheimer called 'Eden in the East’. The Sunda shelf encompasses the mainland countries (Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam) as well as many island states (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Borneo, etc). It would have been as big as North America and twice as big as India. Currently only the mountainous regions of the shelf are exposed. However, 20,000 years ago, with lower sea levels during the Ice Age, it was a huge and dry plain - Sundaland. Accordingly, the inhabitants of Eden migrated into the plain of Shinar from the east (hence the title of the book). Since Shinar is aforementioned Sumer we need to look for Eden to the east of Mesopotamia. Sumerian and Elamite are agglutinative languages, quite unlike the other languages in the area, giving credence to the Biblical migration of foreign peoples into the area. The Sumerians speak of a fabled and magical kingdom called Aratta. David Rohl, in Volume Two of his "A Test of Time” - entitled Genesis - A Legend of Civilization, explores the idea that Eden is not very far to the East but nearby to Sumer. To be precise, he says, Eden is on the River Aratta, in Tabriz valley, in the Miyandoab plain of Armenia, near the Zagros Mountains.Throughout history, crucial inventions like the alphabet, scripture, paper, lenses, telescopes and eyeglasses, stone cutting and shaping, domesticated plants and animals, gunpowder, metal-casting and smithing, brewing and distillation, medicinal drugs, electroplating, and a myriad such "magical creations" apparently came to us from nowhere. In the official accounts, they came from an unlikely China. However, China was itself civilized, as were most ancient nations, by the Hindus. The Hindus, in turn, claim to have been civilized by the Atlantean Nagas.An interesting theory concerning the actual destruction of Atlantis involves the Rama Empire of India. Atlanteans, being gods to the primitives at the time, were constantly at war with the Rama Empire, and that the use of nuclear-type weaponry was used in this war. Supporting proof rests in a passage from the Mahabharata, an ancient Indian book, which speak of "a single projectile charged with the power of the universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as the thousand suns rose in all its splendor... an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas. The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. The hair and nails fell out; pottery broke without apparent cause, and the birds turned white. After a few hours, all foodstuffs were infected. To escape this fire, the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipment."When archaeologists excavated Mohenjondaro, a Rishi City, in the past century, they found skeletons lying in the streets as if some great doom had suddenly overtaken them. Subsequently, when radiation counts were taken, they were found to be the most radioactive skeletons found until the time of Hiroshima. Other ancient cities have been found with bricks fused together in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, and Turkey – not to mention black lumps of glass in the streets of some cities that turned out to be clay pots that melted under intense heat.Physically connecting man and evolving civilizations across the millennia is blood type. For instance, O Blood Type is typical of what are called the "Red Races". This type of blood is characteristic of several races of the Americas; of Canarian Guanches; of the Basques, of the Scandinavians, of the Celts, as well as of certain peoples of Polynesia and Indonesia. This distribution of O Blood Type strongly suggests that these peoples entered Europe from Indonesia, via the Indian and the Atlantic Oceans, precisely as legends such as those of Celts, the Romans, and the Greeks claim. Moreover, this distribution also suggests an inroad from the Indies towards the Far East, reaching all the way to the Americas, via Melanesia and Polynesia. In other words, it seems that the origin of this O-blooded population was primeval Indonesia and the (now sunken) lands of the region, the very site of Atlantis.Plato concedes that he learnt the legend of Atlantis from Solon who, in turn, got it from the Egyptians. But those priests, in their turn, learnt it from the Hindus of Punt (current Indonesia). Punt was the Island of Fire, the ancestral land To-wer, whence the Egyptians originally came, in the dawn of times, expelled by the cataclysm that razed their land. From there also came the Aryans, the Hebrews and Phoenicians, as well as the other nations that founded the magnificent civilizations of olden times.Atlantis – the very name conjures up fantastic images in the mind. A magical island, a paradise on earth, and home to an enchanted race of gifted and highly intelligent beings. Artists and craftsmen who sculpted exquisite works of art, scientists and innovators devising technology far beyond their times. All lost forever beneath the turbulent waves of a watery grave. It exemplifies the essential formula for all good stories: the conflict between good and evil, the terrible fate of an arrogant people, the damsel in distress, and of course - the heroic journey.The Atlantis myth probably forms the origin of traditional myths from the knight's quest for the Holy Grail to the Wandering Jew eternally searching for his paradise. In any case, the legend of a mighty deluge, which wipes out a degenerating civilization - finds echoes in most religions. Within the recorded history of many cultures, there are references to the great island continent of Atlantis, and its highly sophisticated civilization. Many of these cultures had no known contact or knowledge of each other's civilizations, so why would such diverse ancient peoples such as the Maya, Egyptians, Hopis, or Greeks have the same legends? Most scientists no longer argue about the existence of Atlantis - just the whereabouts of its ruined capital. Marine scientist and explorer, Jacques Cousteau, searched for underwater archeological evidence of Atlantis, which his son continues today. To the open-minded person who researches this subject, the evidence that Atlantis did indeed exist is overwhelming. Nevertheless, if Atlantis, as Plato described it, was a highly advanced, sophisticated civilization, with technology that even surpasses that which we have now, there should be some other remnant of their society. According to the legends, Atlantis was so thoroughly destroyed by natural catastrophe, that there was nothing left, simply. Therefore, it seems quite possible that, given the stories of how advanced and sophisticated a civilization it was, that at least some traders or travelers were elsewhere in the world at the time. Perhaps the Hopi Indians and the mythological inhabitants of Mt. Olympus, the gods of Greek and Roman mythology, were actually Atlanteans that survived. Contemporary interest in Atlantis can be traced back to a self-educated American politician named Ignatius T. T. Donnelly (1831-1901). After serving as the Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota and later as a congressman, Donnelly retired from politics in 1870 after a defeat at the polls. He devoted the rest of his life to writing and research and argued that the Pleistocene Ice Age was caused by the collision of the earth with a comet.Far more important was Donnelly's interest in Atlantis. More than any other writer, Donnelly converted 'Atlantism' into a popular cult through the publication of his influential book, Atlantis: The Antediluvian World in 1882. In developing his ideas Donnelly drew upon a short article in July 1875 by L. M. Hosea in The Cincinnati Quarterly titled "Atlantis: A Statement of the 'Atlantic' Theory Respecting Aboriginal Civilization", where he argued that Mayan and other early civilizations were derived from Atlantis. We can summarize Donnelly's development of the Atlantis story as follows: Opposite the mouth of the Mediterranean, in the Atlantic Ocean, there once existed a large island - Atlantis. This was the remnant of a former Atlantic continent. It was on the island of Atlantis that civilization first emerged. In time, a great and mighty Atlantean nation developed, which sent out colonists to the Gulf of Mexico, other parts of the Americas, the Mediterranean, Europe, Africa, and various other parts of the globe. Atlantis was the true Antediluvian (prior to the Biblical Flood) world known in the Bible as the Garden of Eden, in Greek mythology as the Elysian Fields, and by a variety of other names in the legends of ancient peoples. The gods and goddesses of the ancient civilizations were simple folk memories of the mighty deeds of the kings and queens, warriors and conquering heroes of Atlantis. Edgar Cayce provides a number of fascinating glimpses into pivotal epochs of human history. Two of the most notable periods discussed by the Cayce readings are those that deal with the ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Egypt. Hundreds of readings discuss the lost continent of Atlantis - a civilization, which was one of the most advanced that the world would ever know. According to his readings, records of this society exist to this day in Egypt, the Yucatan, and near Bimini. In fact, the readings considered the Bimini Islands the remnant of a mountain range from this once-massive continent. From Cayce's perspective, much of modern-day technology is simply the rediscovering of knowledge and information possessed by the Atlantean culture. Although the Atlanteans were advanced technologically, many of the people lost their sense of purpose by becoming too attached to power and the material world. This once spiritual populace became fractured into two distinct groups: the 'Children of the Law of One' and the 'Sons of Belial'. The former carried on the spiritual tradition of their ancestors, while the Sons of Belial became engrossed with satisfying their physical appetites and desires. This split would eventually lead to the continent's downfall and eventual destruction. Essentially Cayce states that by focusing upon materiality and ignoring their true spiritual nature, the Atlanteans brought upon themselves a series of three cataclysms. The first, about 50,000 BC, destroyed their major power source. The second, about 28,500 BC, caused the continent to break into three smaller islands: Poseidia, Og, and Aryan. The third and final destruction - which is the one mentioned by Plato - occurred about 10,500 BC and caused the three islands to sink, forcing those who survived to migrate to other parts of the world.In fact, prior to the final destruction of Atlantis, many of the Atlanteans migrated to the Mediterranean and were absorbed into a culture that reached its height of glory at about the same time as the third Atlantean cataclysm. Afterwards, under the direction of a High Priest named Ra Ta, Egypt led the world in social programs aimed at equality, personal transformation, and moral responsibility to others. Eventually, Egyptian civilization was considered unsurpassed in its scientific history of the world and given credit for introducing the world to writing, medical science, irrigation, architecture, and nationalism. The Atlanteans are merely credited with establishing the world's first and finest civilization, which lay within the Pillars of Heracles and stretched as far as Egypt and Tyrrhenia.According to Plato's Dialogues, it was Poseidon who begat the first generation of the island race with children of Cleito - the daughter of Evenor and Leucippe, primitive inhabitants of the island. The couple gave birth to five pairs of male twins, the eldest of them named Atlas - the Titan who is said to have supported the sky in Greek mythology - after whom the surrounding ocean was called Atlantic and the island, Atlantis. The descendants of King Atlas and his brothers ruled this divine island-continent for many generations. They were blessed by Poseidon in all that they undertook to do and were guided by ten kings. The land too had enormous riches to offer its people - verdant forests filled with fruits and flowers, animals and birds, medicinal herbs, precious minerals, lakes and rivers. All this natural wealth culminated in the prosperity of the Atlanteans, who busied themselves in building magnificent temples, palaces, docks and harbors. In Critias, Plato says that the Atlantean architects used the red, black and white marble of their land to create buildings of dazzling splendor. On the hill of Cleito, which formed the Atlantean metropolis, they built her a great palace. This palace, together with the palaces of the ten kings and the temple of Poseidon, blazed with inlays of gold and precious stones. The principal temple to Poseidon was the wonder of the entire world. It seems that the pinnacled roof was so high that clouds drifted around its spires, and it had an enormous image of Poseidon riding in his chariot attended by sea nymphs and dolphins. The enchanting beauty of the city of Atlantis lay on its concentric circles of land and water encircling the metropolitan center, which was linked all around by great bridges. Its charm was further enhanced by fragrant gardens and groves of flowering trees interspersed with sparkling fountains. The city was also dotted with universities, observatories, libraries, laboratories and various academies for the arts and sciences. The walls encircling the rings of sea were covered with brass, tin and orichalcum—the rare and precious Atlantean mineral. Double docks were built on the outermost circle of the sea and complicated passages were cut for harbors running across the whole land.The holy temple dedicated to Cleito and Poseidon was placed right at the center of the citadel, surrounded by statues of gold and other precious materials. The palaces of the ten kings were built around this main temple and the main square was where other nations brought their tributes and the Atlanteans their produce. Visitors to the city of Atlantis wrote ecstatically about its beautiful people and the freedom they enjoyed under the lenient laws of the ten kings, the skill of their craftsmen, the fresh sea breeze, the munificence of the land. Above all, they remarked on the busy markets places, where country folk sold the colorful produce of their farms, and the communal festivals, which brought throngs of Atlanteans singing and dancing into their city streets.The greatest of these Atlantean festivals was staged once every five years, when the ten kings assembled in Poseidon's temple to conduct their five-year parliament. While they deliberated, stockmen drove in a number of splendid bulls from the outlying ranches and corralled them within the temple grounds. Great crowds assembled to admire these splendid beasts with their sleek hides and sword-like crescent horns, while warriors and noblemen prepared for the bullfight. When the parliament was over, the bulls were released and the hunters chased them barehanded through the temple grounds, dodging their charges as they attempted to seize one and throw it to the ground. At last, a group of hunters would manage to corner a bull and wrestle it to the ground, and the animal was then sacrificed to the glory of Poseidon. The other bulls were taken back to their ranches and the festival concluded with a great public banquet.The country immediately surrounding the city was a level plain, hemmed in by mountains, which descended to the sea. The land was even and of an oblong shape. The surrounding mountainside was wildly beautiful with lakes, valleys, abundant trees and animal life. Beyond the mountains were prosperous villages and green meadows, where rich country folk tended their lands and worked with domesticated animals.The oblong Atlantean plain was fashioned by nature and by the labors of many generations of kings. It was watered by numerous mountain streams, which wound round the plain before flowing down to the city center, where they were let off into the sea.Further inland, a network of straight canals were dug out of the plain and let off into ditches leading to the sea. These canals were used for transporting logs of mountain wood to the city, country produce to the ships at harbor and people to and from the city. Twice a year the land was harvested – in summer when the mountain streams inundated the land and in winter when the rains came. The general populace was distributed into districts and villages, which were governed by local leaders. It was also up to the leader of each division to recruit men fit for military service, an army that numbered over a million strong. Atlantis was considered to be the repository of ancient knowledge. It was looked upon as an ancient continent that ruled the world many millennia ago, with a navigational base at its center. Atlantis has also been spoken of akin to a prehistoric world power of sorts. The scientists and innovators of Atlantis acted as technological missionaries who spread their knowledge of metallurgy, astronomy, medicine and navigation, among other skills all over the known world. They are credited with teaching the Egyptians and the Mayans how to build pyramids, and the Greeks how to construct their finely sculpted figures and temples. They are also credited with the invention of reading and writing, mathematics, agriculture, architecture, and all noble concepts of human civilization. For many centuries, Atlantis was the center of the world. Thanks to a great army and seafaring navy, too strong to be challenged by any other nation, Atlanteans enjoyed long, contented lives of peace, prosperity and security.The symbol of the Royal Escutcheon was another figure of honor and veneration among the Atlanteans. The escutcheon was actually an image of the eight-rayed sun, which triggers off Atlantean connections with other well-known 'Empires of the Sun' such as the Egyptian, Incan, Mayan and Japanese civilizations. This symbol of the eight-rayed sun was also supposed to symbolize the eight (double of the sacred four) roads to eternity -very similar to the Buddhist eight fold path: Right Belief, Right Speech, Right Living, Right Thought, Right Action, Right Exertion, Right Meditation and Right Adoration of God.The tree of life, like the eight-rayed sun, is another symbol that has survived to the present age from Atlantean times. The cabalistic Tree of Life, from the mystical and esoteric Jewish tradition, probably had its origin in this Atlantean symbol. The tree stood for the Atlantean land, which could conversely be interpreted as the entire Creation - since Atlantis was considered to be Paradise on earth - and Man represented the fruit of that sacred tree. In other words, if the tree symbolized creation, then its most valued fruit was life itself. Life, which had a mystical quality about it, an imperishable part that remained even as all other forms of earthly creations failed to survive into eternity.Regarding their advanced technology, the Atlanteans used crystals quite extensively, and misused them to such a degree that they eventually contributed to the catastrophes that caused the downfall of Atlantis. The Atlanteans employed their knowledge of crystal refraction, amplification and storage. They knew that a beam of light directed intensely and focused specifically on certain series of facets in a gem would, when it exits from the reflective plane of the gem, be amplified rather than diminished. These amplified energies were broken down into a wide and sophisticated spectrum of color and sound frequencies. The Atlanteans used the spectrum of this energy for specific purposes. A number of crystals were shaped into inverted pyramids. They had four to six sides, were infused with various shades of pink or rose, which by changing molecular structure created a light beam for surgery and for easing pain, particularly in the delicate areas of the brain, the eyes, the heart and reproductive organs. Gold or yellow crystals change colors to deeper hues in the presence of disease or bodily vibrational disorders, for instance. Ruby and purple stones help cure emotional and spiritual problems. Black crystals, no longer in existence, were powerful protectors. Crystals have the ability to transfer energy, to retain it, to maintain its intensity, to focus and transmit it over great distances. Atlantean crystals were natural forms, but their growths were speeded up. Some clear quartz crystals were produced to heights of 25 feet and diameters of 10 feet, had 12 sides and were used for storing and transmitting power. Small crystals, four to five feet high were infused with different colors, and had a varied number of facets, to be used for different purposes. For general rejuvenation and a return of vitality, Atlanteans periodically meditated 15 to 20 minutes inside a circle of 6, 11, 22 or 24 stones of different types, holding a clear quartz in their hands that acted as a control and focaliser.All these various crystals received their power from a variety of sources, including the Sun, the Earth's energy grid system, or from each other. The larger stones, called Fire Crystals, were the central receiving and broadcasting stations, while others acted as receivers for individual cities, buildings, vehicles and homes. The Atlanteans transmitted from energy from one pyramid to another.
Star Gazers
Could it be that the first six ages, (Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Virgo and Leo), were the renowned six days of creation? Then could it be that the following Age of Cancer occurring about 8,850 B.C. would be exemplar as the Fall of Adam and the coming of the Flood? Continuing on into the Age of Gemini around 6,690 B.C. with Noah and the Fall of Babylon, which followed with Abram's metamorphous to Abraham and then came the bull-worshipping Pharaohs of Taurus in 4,530 B.C. The next Age of Aries around 2,370 B.C. brought on the Exodus and the Old Testament of Moses to the civilized world.